Mapping, Location & Geospatial Services

The most comprehensive land, environment & climate  reporting available for Australian properties

Analysis and continuous insight at any scale

Use the Agtuary Platform to instantly access property market, environment, land use and climate information for any land across Australia

  • Location information & title details
  • Detected buildings
  • Yield and production performance
  • Land Cover and arability
  • Seasonal & long-term rainfall patterns
  • Soil characteristics, classification & terrain
  • Forest, land cover and land use change
  • Fire risk, fire history,
  • Historical extreme weather events (heat stress,  frost & temperature history)
  • Climate change forecasts
Get in touch to learn more

Portfolio mapping and title mapping for financial institutions

Professionals across finance, property and agricultural sectors rely on Agtuary’s geospatial and property analysis for business critical data

Agtuary provides a bespoke (including automated) service that matches, cleans and locates land titles and securities for the finance sector with success rates for automated processes in excess of 95% for the rural sector.  

Agtuary is used by Australia’s largest banks to ensure up to date and accurate mapping of securities.

Portfolio mapping can be performed in a batched process or on-demand via API.

An unmatched level of quality and security

Unlike other providers, 100% of Agtuary’s technical capability is in-house ensuring the highest levels of quality & security

Our technology suite is 100% developed and maintained in house leveraging best infrastructure, security and development practices. Our services are utilised nationally, 24/7 by a growing group of customers who seek constant innovation as well as secure handling of their data.

Leverage your internal data to access Agtuary driven insights at scale

Wether mapping large scale areas or thousands of individual properties, Agtuary can map and seamlessly deliver continuous updates and insights across hundreds of unique data layers

  • Continuously updated data sets and new data additions
  • Bespoke data layers available upon request
  • Custom area or portfolio level geospatial analysis across, property prices, land, environment, GHG emissions and climate risk
  • Combine in any way required

Rural property is inherently tied to the environment, the characteristics of the land and the climate

Without the addition of the environmental, climate and land characteristics information alongside all of the regular property data (sales, assets, location information) you’re only getting half the story. To get the the full picture of rural land all of these aspects need to be tied together.
Sign up for a 7 day free trial